She wants to take some stuffed shells to Young Womens tonight so if I make two batches she can take one and I'll feed the rest to my family.

"Seth, please stop running around. You're going to run in to someone!"

So I need two pounds of sausage and two boxes of shells. This'll be great. We haven't had these in a long time. That will be delicious.

"Tyrone, turn that ice cream cone around. You're starting to drip."

Okay, there's my two pounds of Italian sausage. I'll grab some cottage cheese just in case since I can't remember the recipe. I'm pretty sure I've got it at home.

"We're just about done. I need one more thing. Keep eating those cones. I don't want them in the car."

There's my two boxes of shells. I wonder if I could just convince her to take garlic bread instead? Nah, I won't ask, besides, this makes it so I don't have to figure out what to make for dinner.

Drive home trying to get three boys to be quiet and figure out the cooking schedule.
Looking through the recipe pile twice.
Do not find the recipe.
Kick Kendra off the computer so you can go online to find a recipe.

"Kendra, I have a recipe. You get to help me make it" I know Kendra doesn't like to cook, but I'm doing this for her. She's definitely helping.

"Oh, I'll chop the onion. Just grab me one and we'll toss it in while we brown the sausage." This recipe doesn't call for that, but the other one did so I'll do it. I need to get rid of those onions. They are starting to go bad.

Tease Kendra about the size of onion she brought up (small).
Chop onions. Be fast about it so you don't get snuffly cuz that hurts your eyes.
Watch Kendra cook two pounds of sausage and that onion and clean the downstairs bathroom at the same time.
Be relieved that Kendra is on bathroom duty because she always gets them done.
Remind Kendra to put a pan on to cook the shells and tell her to cook one box of shells at a time because, quite frankly, the other pan is not clean and plus it'll take long enough to cook one batch that you will have plenty of time to do all that other cooking.
Have Kendra start mixing the sausage, egg, bread crumbs and Parmesan cheese.
Toss the second batch of shells in the water.
Have Kendra start filling the shells while you grate the mozzarella cheese.

Kendra's going pretty slow, I'd better trade her or they won't get done in time for Young Womens. "Kendra, let me do that. You come grate cheese." Phew, she's grateful for that. I can do this faster.

Oh crap! I've filled that pan! And I'm already half done with this sausage! This was supposed to last me for two batches of shells! What size of package did this recipe call for? I don't think I'm filling them too full. . .

Tell Pablo and Tyrone that they can take a tubby.
1/2 fill the next pan.

I have a full batch of shells on the stove and my sausage is not going to make it. Oh no! This pan is mostly full and the sausage is going to last me this batch only. Look at how much this is making! What on earth am I going to do with another whole batch of shells?!?

"Yes Kendra, I'll take you as soon as this batch is done."

Fill the second pan and toss it in the oven 20 behind the first.
Take the second batch of shells out of the water and stare at them for a minute or two.
Have Kendra grate some more mozzarella.
Take Kendra and her pan of shells to Young Womens.

Well, I guess I'm glad I bought that cottage cheese. I know the recipe calls for ricotta, but I have this cottage cheese. I guess I'm going to make a cheese stuffed recipe. Okay, here's the cottage cheese in. 2 pounds, huh, I guess I'm using both. Alright. . .perfect amount of mozzarella. Here's the Parmesan. It's a good thing I buy this stuff 5 packages at a time.

Parsley. Where my parsley? Am I out of parsley? Of course I'm out of parsley, because I need it now! I guess I'll put basil in with the oregano, instead of just oregano. I like basil better than parsley anyway. . .

Pull second pan out of oven.
Forget to turn the timer off.

Mix Mix, Toss Toss. Cheese mixture ready. I need more pans. I don't have that many pans. I'll get the small ones. . .

"Pablo! Tyrone! It's time to eat! Get out of the tub."

Oh man. I need more pans. I guess pie tins will have to do.

What am I going to do with all of this food?!?! Is there anyone who needs dinner tonight? Oh, crap. It's too late for that. Man! Maybe I'll call Kris or Emily. Can I freeze this stuff? Do stuffed shells freeze?

7 Pans!!!

Dial phone.

"Emily, are you opposed to warmed over food?. . .Yeah well let me tell you a story. . ."

Young Womens=weekly church activity with all girls ages 12-18 Tonight's theme was Around the World in 60 minutes. Each young woman was to come prepared with three facts about a country they've always wanted to visit and and food from that country.
5 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    You're a super mom, Eowyn. Reading this made me tired for you! I bet it turned out delicious though. You'll have to share that recipe with us. =]

  2. I swear, I was holding my breath through this! Stressful much?

    You are a great mom for doing all that. I hope your daughter realizes it. If she doesn't now, she will someday!

  3. Emily Says:

    Reading this makes me laugh out loud again. Thanks for sharing the wealth! Can't wait for dinner! :)

  4. I am sitting in class (hasn't started yet) and getting more and more hungry. Thanks a lot!!

  5. I have a delish recipe that I made up by mixing the meat filling and the cheese filling together. It's yummy!

    I wish I'd been there to take some off your hands!