Of sound

A small collection of songs I find astronomically beautiful. The type that make my heart almost hurt when I hear them. In no particular order.

Sanctus from the St. Cecila Mass by Charles Gounod

2nd movement of the New World Symphony by Antonin Dvorak (Kind of gets cut off at the end. Grrr.)

Kol Nidrei by Max Bruch

Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing

Pie Jesu from Faure's Requiem

I have played in an orchestra with every one of these songs and I count them among the most spiritual experiences of my life.
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8 Responses
  1. Oh, I love them ALL. Swoon. We have similar taste.

  2. What a lovely, lovely thing to share with us! The cello was my favourite, I think. =)

  3. Anonymous Says:

    Thank you for this. I love music. Where words and sight cannot bridge the gap, music always touches my heart.

  4. I love your choices. New World is an all time fave. And on my list there has to be Barber's Adagio for Strings. Thanks!

  5. Brillig Says:

    Gor-freaking-geous. What an amazing way to start my day. Thanks for sharing these. My favorite du jour is the Faure Requiem. I could happily listen to Faure In fact, I think I just might do that today... Thanks for the inspiration. :-D

  6. charrette Says:

    Such lovely, lovely choices. No wonder we are such good friends...our heartstrings resonate to the same vibrations. I love your introduction -- music so beautiful it almost makes you hurt inside.

    I would have to add to my list: Barber's Adagio for Strings, Faure's Pavane (like Brillig, I could listen to Faure all day long), Rachmaninoff's Second Piano Concerto (especially the second movement), and Morton Lauridsen's Lux Aeterna.

    I also love your ending, about having played these in an orchestra. That makes the experience so much richer.

  7. Heidi Says:

    Oooh, I can't wait to listen to these when the boys aren't at my feet putting together train tracks. I only know one of them by name (shame on me) and it's on my hearbreaking list, too---I just love the heartbreakingly lovely music! The soundtrack from The Piano--I think it's track 8--heartbreak!

  8. InkMom Says:

    I can't even begin a list . . . I actually tried the other day, and it's just too long to post. But I have a definite favorite, and that's Dvorak's 7th Symphony, d minor, 3rd movement -- the Scherzo. Killer. Absolutely killer.