
Heidi's roses, to be precise.

Except that I should probably not be talking about roses as the book cover has no roses on it. But I love that cover and I want that dress! I have always wanted to get dressed up in a quality Regency era costume. You know, something actually from that era and really beautiful, as opposed to the fake things they sell at WalMart. Wouldn't that be fun?

Oh wait. I'm supposed to be talking about a book.

Which book?

Miss Delacourt Has Her Day by Heidi Ashworth.

Methinks you should read this book. Here are 7 good reasons.

1-It's Regency! Mr. Darcy? Mr. Knightly? Add Sir Anthony to the list of leading men. I'm still in a swoon from the kiss in book one. Need I say more? (I will here add that Heidi's ability to peg the Regency era is spot on!)

2-It's a romance! I'm suddenly very in to romances, so much so that I find myself wanting to write one. I'm also loving having such a wonderful, clean option available. Not only do I enjoy reading Heidi's books, but I don't mind them sitting on my shelf for my daughter's consumption either.

3-It's funny. I read one scene and giggled out loud through it, twice! I never do that. Heidi's wit is never more perfectly on display than here in this fabulous sequel.

4-It's fun. Yes, this is different than funny. Books can be funny, but you end the book feeling somehow let down or dark. This book will not do that. It's a fun romp through the park. I walked away from reading this book feeling lighter and happier about life.

5-The Duke of Marcross and Lady Derby. I will say no more. You must read to find out!

6-My name is in there!!!! It's like a look and find to find my name! Well, my last name anyway. . .if you know it. I'm totally famous!!!

7-I'm not threatening or anything, but I do LOVE to hang around with people who read Regency romances and kind of think that those who don't are a little weird.

Hrm. It seems to me that I have said nothing about roses.

Ah, there they are.

This lovely painting was inspired by Heidi's first book, Miss Delacourt Speaks Her Mind and was painted by the gorgeous and amazing Jana Parkin. Unbelievably, Jana donated this painting and Heidi has the giveaway going on her blog. It's worth $530.00 and I can vouch for the fact that Jana's art is well worth it. Hop on over to Heidi's blog to enter the giveaway and find links to other reviews (including some male ones!). Then hop on over to Jana's blog to enter her giveaway of signed copies of the book and/or some note cards with the above painting on them.

But first, go read the book!
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7 Responses
  1. Heidi Says:

    Love it! Love you! Love your list! Love your new blog look! Hugs!

  2. Great review! And that kiss, oh yes, that kiss. I was cheering and giggling and so, so happy!

    I love Heidi's books!

  3. Anonymous Says:

    I totally giggled while reading this book a lot too! And Jana? Incredible. This is a win-win!

  4. LisAway Says:

    Those are some great reasons to read the book! And the roses are SO beautiful!

  5. Kazzy Says:

    This is a really fun book that I could totally recommend to tons of people. That is one of my favorite things about it.

    Hope you are well!

  6. FABULOUS review, dahling. Simply fabulous. If I hadn't already read it I'd be rushing out to buy a copy! Mwah!

  7. I second that emotion!