I started quoting Shakespeare to Kendra this afternoon.

"Double, Double, Toil and trouble,
Fire burn and cauldron bubble."

She looked at me with a rather questioning look on her face.

I repeated it.

"Oh." she said. "I thought you said "Double, double, toilet trouble."

I burst out laughing because frankly, most of the time, that's exactly what we have.
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5 Responses
  1. Ha - love it! Love that girl of yours too! Your toilet? Not so much.

  2. We are plagued by toilet troubles quite often, too! Love her Shakespeare interpretation :) !!

  3. Unknown Says:

    That's classic! What would we do with out kids?

  4. Kazzy Says:

    Can you come up with one about kitchen sink trouble? Mine keeps backing up...

  5. Heidi Says:

    I'm fairly sure that if there was indoor plumbing during Shakespeare's time, he WOULD have said "toilet trouble". Because, who hasn't felt like a witch at those horrid moments?